The quality of the air we breathe has a direct impact on our health—and often, we’re not even aware of what we’re breathing. That’s where BioZone Scientific can help.

The offices, buildings, homes, and other spaces we live and work in may seem clean, but just how clean are they? Too often, you may not know what’s in the air that you breathe. Dust, particles, and other harmful bacteria can build up on surfaces, cycle through ventilation systems, and end up creating a cocktail of hazardous materials that we breathe in every day.

This is why clean air purification is so important. At BioZone Scientific, we create innovative products that combine pioneering scientific processes with cutting edge designs. Air purification systems that you can install in your workspaces to filter out and significantly reduce any instances of harmful materials invading our air.

We help you create a cleaner, safer environment.

Neutralises airborne and surface microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi

Decomposes TVOCs, like formaldehyde, Benzene, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PHAs)

Eliminates harmful gasses, such as ammonia and hydrogen sulphate

Reduces unpleasant odours, like organic waste, sewage, and those of animal origin



Unpleasant odours don’t just smell bad—they can damage your business’ reputation. We provide equipment to eliminate odours in small and large working spaces, and deliver more pleasant environments for your staff and visitors.

Airborne and Surface Microorganisms

Keep your air cleaner, and ensure safe and hygienic surfaces in every room of your building. BioZone Scientific air purification systems deliver holistic air and surface safety, by killing microorganisms that breed on surfaces and ensuring that your spaces stay free of air pollution and pathogens.

Chemical Fumes

Chemical fumes are often a worksite hazard, and without the right management, they can become a safety issue. Our specialised products install seamlessly into your worksites to deliver air purification that protects your workers from the damaging effects of indoor air pollution.

Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TOVCs)

You may not notice volatile organic compounds—but they’re there in the air you breathe. Given off by many common household and office-based materials and products, many of these have differing health effects and can be highly toxic. Our air purification devices work to decompose volatile organic compounds, delivering a safer, healthier environment.

Particulate Matter

Particulate matter builds up in your air over time. From cigarette smoke and dust mites, to burning materials and hazardous outdoor sources, micro particulates can cause serious health effects to humans. BioZone Scientific air purification devices effectively remove airborne particles, ensuring safer spaces, and enable you to meet even the strictest clean air requirements.


Microorganisms like mould proliferate at alarming rates—and often, you may not even see them. When left alone, mould can produce harmful allergens, irritants, and toxins, and continue to spread rapidly. Our air purification technology ensure you kill dangerous mould before it becomes a problem in your buildings.


COVID-19 delivered challenges all around the world. As a company that delivers air purification technology, BioZone Scientific was well-placed to tackle this challenge head-on.
Our team has been working to give you peace of mind that our air purification devices deliver safer, cleaner air

  • We have undertaken tests on the viricidal properties of our air purification technology
  • We pitted the Biozone AC unit against SARS-CoV-2 in an enclosed area
  • We utilised the surrogate Coronavirus OC43 (ATCC VR-1558)
  • The virus was inoculated onto non-porous carriers and was run in an enclosed chamber for 30 minutes
  • Continuous exposure for 30 minutes in a sealed chamber reduced infectious virus units by 98.6% or more

BioZone Scientific is working to kill COVID-19, and our air purification technology has been proven to reduce its infection and transmission. Together, we can stop the spread.

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