Airborne and Surface Microorganisms


Airborne and surface microorganisms are all around us—in the air we breathe, on our skin, and the surfaces we touch.

The devious thing about these microorganisms is how easily they travel. They can be picked up in any workplace or home activities where skin-to-skin contact occurs, such as handshakes in an office, or hugging our loved ones at home. These microorganisms are harmful to people’s health—and are easily transmitted in indoor locations with poor ventilation and cramped workstation setups.

They can be carried to the office, where staff working in close proximity to others end up breathing in someone’s airborne germs. They can travel to kitchens, and start to spread across food preparation surfaces. They can be sucked in from the outside through HVAC systems, and spread throughout the workplace through its air condition.

They can be anywhere, and are one of the most common ways people catch colds, flus, COVID-19, and other viruses or illnesses. So it’s critical that businesses have the right measures in place to ensure cleaner, safer workplaces.


Over the last few years, practicing safe hygiene in the workplace and other public spheres has never been more important. We’ve all understood how crucial it is to eliminate airborne microorganisms—but what about our air conditioning and ventilation systems?

BioZone Scientific helps keep pollutants and bacteria out of indoor air that is cycled through air conditioning and ventilation systems. Our technology is designed to help create a healthier environment, and keep business premises as sanitary and healthy as possible.

Our range of air and surface purifiers helps to destroy odours, bacteria, viruses, mould, fumes, and eliminate microorganisms and other impurities in the air and on surfaces. Easy to install, and seamless to operate, businesses get peace of mind that employees are working in a safer, healthier environment.

Contact BioZone Scientific to discuss our air purification solutions, and how they can provide cleaner, safer air and surfaces in any indoor environment.

